Indramayu Police, West Java, managed to identify traffic accident victims on the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) KM 139 Toll Road, both injured and dead.
"All the victims have been identified, both injured and dead," said Indramayu Police Traffic Unit Head AKP Angga Handiman when contacted in Indramayu, Antara, Tuesday, November 15.
According to him, for the victims who died, three people were in the name of Saji (40), Kasum (52), and Ira Purwanti (20), all three were residents of Kuningan Regency, West Java.
Meanwhile, there were seven injured, namely Carsadi (27), Nurodin (27), Ade Hidayat (34), Mustari (39), Riska Fitriani (19), residents of Cirebon Regency, and Dian Kurniawati (30) from Kuningan Regency.
"All the victims who were injured and died were passengers of the minibus Luxio B-1346-FR," he said.
Angga added that the victims are currently at Cideres Hospital, Majalengka Regency, under the care of the media team while the family has brought the bodies home.
According to Angga, the traffic accident at KM 139 Cipali Toll Road involved two vehicles, namely the Luxio B-1346-FRR minibus and the Bak B-9106-KYZ Truck. The two vehicles are on the same track, namely from Jakarta to Cirebon.
Angga added that the accident occurred on Tuesday at around 05.20 WIB, where the Luxio minibus vehicle at high speed swerved and crashed into the truck in front of it, resulting in three deaths and seven others injured.
"The minibus vehicle when it was traveling in lane two or in the lane quickly suddenly swerved to the left and then hit the back of the Isuzu truck. It is suspected that the driver was exhausted while at the scene," he said.
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