SEMARANG - In the next three days, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo will continue to hold discussions with workers, employers and academics. The hope is that Central Java can propose the right formula for considering the determination of the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP).

This was revealed by Ganjar after attending and opening the Regional II Working Meeting of the National Workers Union Unit Federation (FKSPN) at the Quest Hotel. (14/11). Ganjar said that the use of PP 36 of 2021 for the basis of determining the UMP in the current situation was not appropriate.

"If we calculate our UMK in each place, I think with that formula, we need to get a review," said Ganjar in his statement, Tuesday, November 15.

The former member of the DPR RI stated that a review on the basis of this determination needed to be carried out. Because the calculations that are trying to be carried out by his staff show results that have the potential for inequality to emerge.

"For example, I said that there was one regency city where after it was implemented, the increase was very high, it could be up to 17 percent. If the entrepreneur is yes, I'm just happy. That's good. But if later it can't be implemented, there will be turmoil," said the PDI-P politician.

For this reason, Ganjar continues to invite dialogue between workers, employers and academics in Central Java. In addition to receiving the right formula proposal to be proposed to the Ministry of Manpower, it was also agreed by all parties.

"With these formulas, the hope is that there will be the best conclusion, who will have the ability later to be able to implement it. So that they are both good," he said.

"So, within three days, hopefully there will be proposals from friends in Central Java who are closer to agreeing," he added.

From a number of dialogues, Ganjar was interested in proposals from labor groups. They proposed a formula for determining the UMP which refers to inflation.

"Yesterday someone proposed one, just inflation, sir. But don't be 100 percent, 150 percent of inflation is a bit concrete with the proposal, so we will take it into consideration," he said.

For information, the determination for the 2023 UMP will be carried out no later than November 21, 2022 and the UMK on November 30, 2022.

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