TANGERANG - The clash of two groups on Jalan Moderland Golf, Kelapa Indah, Tangerang City occurred after the leasing tried to pull a truck that was in arrears on installments.

The debate in the middle of the road did not meet a common ground until finally there was a fight between the debtor and the leasing party.

Tangerang Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho confirmed that the incident had occurred. The incident occurred on Monday, November 14, in the afternoon.

"The incident was true, the truck was withdrawn by the leasing party because it did not pay the installments and during mediation there was no meeting point," Zain said in a short message, Tuesday, November 15.

In that incident there were 2 people who became victims. Not only that, but there was a finance office near the scene which was damaged, due to throwing stones from the two groups.

"While there were 2 victims, they hit a rock on the forehead and in the hand because they parried at Paving Block. As well as computer damage, tables, chairs in the finance office," he said.

Zain said that both parties had made a police report at the Tangerang Metro Police. Recently, his party is clarifying both parties regarding the chronology of the incident.

Currently, both parties are still clarifying the chronology of the incident. Last night we appealed to both parties to refrain from mobilizing and not mobilizing the masses to respond to the incident," he concluded.

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