JAKARTA - People in Papua who are sick and need heart ring or stent service will no longer need to leave the area because the Biak Numfor Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for the first time in Papua will become a referral hospital for treating patients with such complaints in 2023.

Within 53 years of Papua (formerly Irian Jaya) rejoining the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), every heart disease patient in Papua has to be hospitalized for hospitalization in Makassar, South Sulawesi, or at the Heart Hospital and Harapan Kita Blood Vessel Hospital, Jakarta.

The Biak Numfor Hospital team has prepared medical personnel to provide services to heart patients. Residents in Papua no longer need to be referred out of Papua, but simply take them to Biak Numfor Hospital for treatment.

Director of the Biak Numfor Hospital, Dr Ricardo R. Major, said that the treatment of patients with heart disease could be handled by the team at the Biak Hospital. Patients with heart disease holding the National Health Insurance card and Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS), will also be served the same as hospitals outside Papua.

The installation of a heart ring or stent is a procedure aimed at wideningtoric blood vessels that have become narrow or clogged in the heart. This procedure in the medical world is commonly called Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI).

The procedure for installing heart rings is generally the patient undergoing loka anesthesia, so for the first time the doctor does heart catheterization by inserting a catheter or a device such as a flexible tube through the arm or groin to the arteries to the heart.

The next process, the doctor will include contrasting fluid through a catheter to see the location of the blockage in the arteries. After that, the doctor puts in a catheter again with a heart ring and a balloon specifically enters the arteries, the balloon will expand so that the arteries widens. The heart ring is then placed in the blockage area so that the blood flow can recover.

The narrowing or blockage of arterials usually occurs due to plaque buildup in blood vessels consisting of cholesterol and other substances. "By installing a heart ring, previously clogged blood flow can return smoothly," said Ricard, an alumni of the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang.

The flying doctor who specializes in heart and blood vessels at the Dok II General Hospital of Papua Province, Dr. Joel H. Manurung Sp.JP, strongly supports the efforts of the Biak Hospital to treat heart ring pairs to serve the local community.

Moreover, by providing a heart ring installation service, it is very helpful and makes it easier for people in the Land of Papua to get treatment for patients with heart disease and blood vessels.

With the support of sophisticated medical equipment infrastructure and the availability of heart and blood vessel specialists, it strongly supports the Biak Hospital's services in handling heart ring pairs.

Installing a heart ring is only useful for opening arterials that are narrow or clogged due totenuic heart disease, but patients still have to take medicines and change lifestyles to fight disease.

Health medical records are mentioned, the benefits of installing heart rings are very large for patients because they can relieve uncomfortable symptoms and chest pain, reduce the consumption of chest pain drugs and make breathing more relieved.

While other benefits of installing heart rings, patients can be more active in increasing their daily activities and feeling more comfortable in their activities.

Meanwhile, if you have a heart attack, the heart ring can help reduce damage to the heart muscle and reduce the risk of having another heart attack.

Support for the opening of heart patient services also came from the Deputy Chairperson of the Biak Numfor DPRD, Aneta Kbarek. Legislative ranks support various programs to increase medical service innovation carried out by the management of the Biak Hospital to the people in Papua.

Biak Hospital as a hospital for the first heart referral disease in Papua, as an extraordinary progress to meet the needs of residents for treatment. "I also appreciate the current performance achievements in operating integrated emergency and new surgical building installations," said Aneta.

The DPRD provides full support for the development of health services at the Biak Hospital because it answers the needs of heart disease patients in Biak Numfor.

By realizing the Biak Hospital where heart disease patients are treated, it will serve more patients from Papuan natives from various districts/cities. Biak Hospital must continue to provide health services professionally for the people in Papua.

The Biak Numfor Regency Government has promised to complete medical infrastructure facilities to support the operation of the Biak Hospital to become a cardiac patient referral hospital in Tanah Papua.

With the Biak Hospital operating a heart disease treatment service, it provides high lifespan for Biak residents.

"Biak residents no longer need to seek treatment and have to leave Papua with a destination to Makassar City or to Jakarta, but can simply seek treatment at Biak Hospital," said Deputy Regent of Biak Calvin Mansnembra, to Antara.

With the opening of the service, patients install a heart ring at the first Biak Hospital in Tanah Papua, it will have a positive impact on patient visits, because residents no longer need to seek treatment outside Papua.

Meanwhile, other benefits, the presence of heart disease services and ring installation at the Biak Hospital can reduce the cost burden for the patient's family because it is enough to come to Biak Hospital.

Biak Hospital until 2022 already has 800 medical personnel, 19 of which are specialist doctors to support the improvement of health services for the community in the Land of Papua.

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