JAKARTA - Former Head of the Coordinating and Supervision Bureau (Kakorwas) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit (PPNS), Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo, admitted receiving US $ 20,000 (around Rp.282 million) from businessman Tommy Sumardi.

"Yes, I received 20,000 US dollars in the 100 dollar bill on April 27, 2020," said Prasetijo at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 10.

Prasetijo became a witness for the defendant convicted in the Bank Bali cessie corruption case, Djoko Tjandra.

"I received money in Tommy Sumardi's car," said Prasetijo.

Tommy Sumardi is a businessman who is also Djoko Tjandra's colleague who was asked by Joko Tjandra to take care of removing Joko's name from the Immigration's wanted list (DPO) and red notice at NCB Interpol.

According to Prasetijo, the money had already been returned.

"It was returned when I was questioned by Propam on July 15, 2020. I handed over the money, then when I was examined as a witness at the Criminal Investigation Unit on August 13, 2020 suddenly Propram members entered my examination room, they brought money, then I asked 'Want what are you doing, brothers? ' The answer was, "I want to hand over the money, General, then I will hand it over to the investigators," said Prasetijo.

According to Prasetijo, when questioned by the National Police, he was confronted with Tommy Sumardi.

"I had a request from the Head of the Propam Division on the 15th night I met Tommy, Mr. Kadiv at that time Mr. Sigit (Listyo Sigit who was then Head of the Police Professional and Security Division) asked, 'Did you accept it from Joko Tjandra? I answered' General, don't slander, I never received it from Joko Tjandra ', then Mr. Tommy stood in front of me pointing at me, then I also said to Mr. Tommy by pointing' You Ji give me if that's the money I take right now ', then I called my wife so that in the morning my wife went to Provost, "explained Prasetijo with a slightly raised tone.

Prasetijo admitted that Tommy invited him to meet with the former Head of the International Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte, on April 16 and 27, 2020.

"I was invited to meet again with Pak Napoleon on April 27. I took him from the TNCC lobby up and down. Above there was Sespri again because Mr. Napoleon was not there, so just a moment," said Prasetijo.

At that time, Prasetijo admitted that he was carrying a paper bag.

"But it contained my personal needs, I brought my mask, cellphone, hand sanitizer and medicine. As for Tommy, I don't know what to bring," added Prasetijo.

It was after Napoleon's office that Prasetijo admitted to receiving US $ 20,000 from Tommy.

Prasetijo also withdrew the investigation report (BAP) which said that Inspector General Napoelon Bonaparte received US $ 50,000 from Tommy Sumardi.

"BAP August 13, letter F, 'Fourth meeting 5 May 2020 Haji Tommy came to my room, asking for help to be accompanied to the Head of Division Hubinter. Arriving at TNCC, he brought a paper bag that was brought yesterday, then Haji Tommy and I went up to the 11th floor, when I met with Kadivhubinter. While leaving I saw Haji Tommy hand over a paper bag to Inspector General Napoleon saying 'This, yes, Bang, I put it here, huh'. At that time Haji Tommy put the paper bag on the rectangular table, the Kadiv Hubibter meeting table. and Kadiv Hubinter answered 'Yes, thank you.' When I returned to my office, I asked 'What was the Ji that was given to Mr. Kadiv', and Mr. Tommy answered '5 kepok' in the sense of 50,000 US dollars' is this information correct? " asked the public prosecutor at the Attorney General's Office.

"I withdrew, there was no information, that was added by the investigator. Let you know my condition, I just returned from the hospital, I was unstable, and I was asked to be accompanied by my lawyer but was rejected," said Prasetijo fiercely.

"So Tommy Sumardi never gave it to Napoleon?" asked the prosecutor.

"Never," answered Prasetijo.

In this case, Joko Tjandra was charged with two charges. First, Joko Tjandra was charged with bribing prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari for 500,000 Singapore dollars, former Head of the International Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte for 200,000 Singapore dollars and 270,000 US dollars, and the former Head of the Coordinating and Supervision Bureau (Kakorwas) for Civil Service Investigators (PPNS) ) Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Prasetijo Utomo worth 150,000 US dollars.

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