JAKARTA - Hendra Kurniawan's lawyer, Henry Yosodiningrat, said that Ismail Bolong was not only made a video testimonial about the investigation into the illegal mining case in East Kalimantan. This is because several police officers were also treated similarly.
"That in the investigation process of the Divpropan Polri Bureau, the testimonial video was not only carried out on Mr. IB, but also treated with several other officers/members at the East Kalimantan Regional Police involved," Henry told reporters, Thursday, November 10.
The making of the testimonial video was carried out after the inspection process was completed. Then, it was signed consciously as strong evidence of taking information.
"After giving information in the Interogation Minutes that have been signed," he said.
This was done to strengthen the testimony of witnesses in fulfilling sufficient preliminary evidence.
Then, the making of the testimonial video is also a proof of strengthening. This is because this case is said to involve police officials.
"It is encouraging because it involves high-ranking officers and several other officers or members," said Henry.
Originally, circulating investigative report documents (LHP) related to illegal coal mining in the East Kalimantan Regional Police area, with the findings of alleged violations or irregularities committed by unscrupulous members of the National Police and main officials of the East Kalimantan Police.
The report on the results of the investigation submitted by the Head of the National Police's Propam Division, at that time Ferdy Sambo was held by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo Number: R/1253/WAS.2.4/2022/IV/DIVPROPAM, dated April 7, 2022.
In the document on point h, it is written that Aiptu Ismail Bolong gave coordination money to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, which was handed over to Kombes BH as Head of Sub-Directorate V Dittipidter 3 times, namely October, November and December 2021 amounting to IDR 3 billion every month to be distributed at the Dittipidter Bareskrim.
In addition, he also gave coordination money to Komjen Agus Andrianto as the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police directly in the Kabareskrim office in USD 3 times, namely October, November and December 2021, amounting to IDR 2 billion.
Ismail Bolong was viral on social media. He admitted that he deposited billions of rupiah from illegal coal mining to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
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