MALUKU - Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Ansor Maluku reported Faizal Assegaf's Twitter account (@Faizalassegaf) to the Maluku Regional Police for allegedly spreading hate speech addressed to the General Chairperson of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf. "From November 7, 2022 to Friday, November 11, 2022, LBH Ansor throughout Nusantara will report an account on behalf of @Faizalassegaf simultaneously," said LBH Chairman Ansor Maluku, Al Walid Muhammad when confirmed in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, November 7. The report is a reaction to Twitter account posts on behalf of @Fairzalassegaf which allegedly lead to hate speech. The Twitter tweet of an account reported by LBH Ansor Maluku is allegedly made to cause hostility to certain individuals and / or groups of people based on ethnicity, religion, race, and groups. One example of the reported Twitter tweet that LBH Ansor Maluku allegedly contained hate speech was "Tp, Staquf failed to reconstruct the accusation of'refuge' addressed to habaib the pieces of history offered not based on data that can be confirmed to be intact & valid. Only hatred. Of course, the stupid performance was the result of being trapped in a destructive political character". Another example of a tweet that is considered by LBH Ansor Maluku which contains hate speech is "It's natural if it triggers a reaction from habaib circles in various regions. Highlighting the phenomenon of hatred in the habaib sponsored by the KETUM PBNU. The mass organization, which used to be familiar with brilliant thinking & the influence of the habaib figures, is now hijacked to hate habaib. That's your right, but there are consequences". He said the Twitter account tweet on behalf of Faizal Assegaf (@faizalassegaf) allegedly violated the provisions of Article 28 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. He emphasized that in principle LBH Ansor upholds freedom of opinion and respects the opinions of others. However, if that opinion destroys the dignity of others, then this action is against the culture of the archipelago in Indonesia that prioritizes customs and manners. In addition, LBH Ansor prioritized the process of resolving problems with a family approach, but Faizal Assegaf's actions were reported not the first time. Previously, the actions committed by Faisal Assegaf had been resolved amicably with Faizal Assegaf's apology. It is hoped that the person concerned will not repeat the act. However, it turns out that Faizal Assegaf actually repeated the same act. "Because the actions committed by Faizal Assegaf were carried out again, we chose to take the path of criminal law," he said. He agreed that the criminal process is the last way in solving a legal problem. Criminal law efforts were taken after the reported party was judged to intentionally repeat acts that were against the law "We hope that law enforcers, especially the police, will be able to carry out their duties objectively and professionally for the sake of law and public order," he hoped.

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