BENGKULU - Bengkulu Police said the suspect with the initials HD (41), a resident of East Pamulang, South Tangerang, Banten Province, was threatened with seven years in prison for the case of trading fake stamps. The Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Police, Kombes Sudarno, said that the suspect HD was arrested after his party carried out the development of the suspect SI (25) some time ago. "We carried out development based on the search results of the online seller, then we checked the shipment through the delivery service and it turned out that the recipient was from Semarang, then we checked CCTV, then the face of the suspect, HD," said Sudarno in Bengkulu City, Antara, Sunday, November 6. HD is a recidivist of a similar case, namely trading fake stamps through accounts of online buying and selling sites almost throughout Indonesia. Because the suspect is threatened with Article 25 letter a of Law No. 10 of 2020 concerning Customs Materai and Article 275 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. "With the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 7 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 500 million," he said. In addition, for the suspect's actions, the state suffered a loss of Rp. 1 billion because it had sold thousands of fake stamps. Sudarno continued, HD is suspected of having sold the fake stamp duty since or before 2017. "So far, in the Bengkulu area, which trades fake stamps and buys from the suspect a new HD suspect SI, which we have previously arrested," he explained. Previously, Unit two of the Sub-Directorate of Certain Crimes (Tipidter) of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Bengkulu Police arrested SI (25), a resident of Karawang, West Java, for having traded fake stamps. During the examination, the suspect has been selling fake stamps since early August 2022 at a price of Rp. 9 thousand per sheet. The fake Materai was found by the suspect by buying from someone online at a price of Rp. 5,000 per sheet. From the suspect's confession, he has sold approximately 3,450 fake stamps and the sale was carried out in the Bengkulu area targeting individuals. In addition, his party confiscated as many as 355 fake stamps and while state losses reached Rp. 38 million.

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