TANGERANG - The Oppo factory security guard named Kelat Renaldy (28), is suspected of being a victim of confiscation in the Bayur Industrial area, Jatiuwung, Tangerang City. The money confiscated by the perpetrators was the wages for one month of work.

Jatiuwung Police Chief, AKP Stanlly Soselisa confirmed the incident that occurred on Tuesday, November 1, at 20.30 WIB.

According to Stanlly, the incident began when the victim was about to return home in the Pasar Kemis area, Tangerang Regency by motorbike. Arriving at the scene of the crime (TKP), three perpetrators came from opposite directions to two motorbikes.

"It's true that the three perpetrators. So he (the perpetrator) asked for money. The motorcycle keys were deliberately thrown away by the victim. Continue to fight back," said Stanlly when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, November 3.

The victim tried to fight back, without realizing one of the three perpetrators hit him from behind until the victim fainted.

"Suddenly from behind, another perpetrator hit the victim from behind until he fainted So there was no information that the victim's head was broken, only his helmet was broken," he said.

"Having him seemed to be using wood. The point is blunt objects," he continued.

After the victim was helpless, the perpetrator took the contents of the money in the victim's wallet, amounting to Rp. 3.5 million. Then the victim was left by the perpetrator at the scene.

Shortly thereafter, a small child who was passing by the crime scene saw the victim lying on the ground and was immediately reported to the local security guard. Then the officers took the victim to the nearest hospital for medical treatment.

A small child saw people lying on the ground report to the security guard. He's an Oppo security guard as well as a friend. Then he was taken to the hospital," he said.

"(The confession of the victim) Rp 3.5 million was lost to the perpetrator. The money was just taken from an ATM, salary," he added.

After the incident, the victim's wife made a police report. This is done for further action related to the incident that happened to her husband.

"His wife made a police report. Now an investigation is being carried out," he concluded.

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