JAKARTA - Mrs. Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, Rosti Simanjuntak admitted that she had sprayed or scolded Hendra Kurniawan while at her house. To be precise, after the funeral, Brigadier J. Originally, Rosti Simanjuntak and family members of Brigadier J were presented by the public prosecutor (JPU) as witnesses for the defendants Strong Ma'ruf and Bripka Ricky Rizal. Rosti's anger began when Hendra Kurniawan, who was still in the position of Karo Paminal, came with his entourage to Jambi. At that time, Hendra Kurniawan was said to have asked Rosti to come to Jakarta if she wanted to find out the cause of her child's death. "They told us to find out the evidence that we had to come to Jakarta," Rosti said during the trial, Wednesday, November 2. In fact, according to him, at that time his feelings were being destroyed due to the loss of his beloved son. So, Rosti at that time asked Hendra to immediately show evidence without having to go to Jakarta. "Request repeatedly to them, prove valid evidence, not just talk or rudely, I say," he said. In fact, he was so upset that Rosti had scolded Hendra Kurniawan, who was the general of the National Police at that time. "So as a mother who lost a child, I was immediately angry, you are a general, you don't have to talk much," he said Rosti's anger continues. In his testimony, the target of his anger was Kombes Susanto. Moreover, Brigadier J's mother had expelled all the police officers who were at his house. "If you really don't want to hear us talking, you have to be the father we heard talking to, please come out I said that," said Rosti. "There's no need to talk a lot here, I've lost my child, I'm already grieving. Talk, talk according to the evidence, that's what I said at that time. They sweated the corn straight out," continued Rosti. For information, Strong Ma'ruf and Bripka Ricky Rizal are defendants in the murder case of Brigadier J. They are considered to have a role to help plan. So, with their involvement, both of them were charged with violating Article 340 subsidiary 338 of the Criminal Code junto Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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