The body of a underage girl with the initials KCP (12) who was slaughtered by her father with the initials RNA (31) has finally completed the autopsy process at the Kramatjati Police Hospital.

The victim's body was taken by the family after an autopsy was carried out at the funeral home for burial.

Tuesday night, the victim's body was taken by the family from the Kramatjati Police Hospital. The victim has undergone an autopsy process for approximately 5 hours by the forensic medical team at the Police Hospital, Kramatjati, East Jakarta.

The victim's body was buried at the Jatijajar TPU, not far from his house. It was observed that a number of relatives and the families of the victims who were at the Police Hospital were still shrouded in grief.

The family asked the police to give severe punishment to the perpetrators who had the heart to kill the victim with a sharp weapon.

"Just follow the legal route," said Awen, the victim's uncle, Tuesday night, November 1.

Meanwhile, NI, the victim's mother is still undergoing intensive treatment at Sentra Medika Hospital, Depok, West Java.

Previously, it was reported that the body of a girl with the initials KCP (12), a victim of abuse by her father with the initials RNA (31) in the Depok area underwent an autopsy process in the Forensic Installation room of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Tuesday, November 1.

The incident occurred in a house in the Jatijajar area, Depok, Tapos, West Java. KCP died in his father's hands after being bombarded with a sharp weapon. Apart from KCP, the mother of KCP is also still experiencing a critical period and is being treated intensively at the Sentra Medika Hospital, Depok.

According to Aweng's statement, the victim's uncle, the incident occurred at around 03.00 WIB at dawn. The perpetrator with the initials RNA (31) had the heart to slaughter his family with a sharp weapon just because his wife was asleep and did not pick up the phone when the perpetrator contacted him. The perpetrator contacted the victim at around 03.00 in the morning.

The perpetrator asked to be picked up by his wife when the perpetrator finished work. However, because the wife did not answer the perpetrator's call, the perpetrator went home alone.

After arriving home, the perpetrator and his wife got into an argument until the perpetrator stabbed blindly and killed his son.

"The victim was injured in the arm with the eye. Meanwhile, the victim's mother was injured in a sharp cut in the neck, her mother was taken to the Medika Depok Center Hospital," Awen told reporters at the Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, Tuesday, November 1.

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