Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said the 2022 digital preneur santri program has opened 1.1 million new jobs. It is targeted that by 2024, it will create 4.4 million new jobs in the tourism sector and the creative economy.

"On the direction of the President and the Vice President in 2024, our target is to create 4.4 million jobs in the tourism sector and the creative economy," said Sandiaga, Saturday, October 29.

Sandiaga believes that students are the answer to the challenges that occur in today's digital era. In addition, students must be the drivers of the country's economy in the digital era. This is because students and female students have competitiveness and potential for the rise of the Indonesian nation in the digital era.

"Digital era brings change to our current lives. There are many positive impacts that we feel. The digital era also has a negative impact so that it becomes an extraordinary challenge in today's life which is full of a new economic order, an all-digital economy," he said.

The need for creative content that breathes Islam is one of the opportunities and opportunities for students to be used to earn income.

Thus, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy facilitates santri and millennial generation to increase their capacity and ability in the creative industry sector to face challenges through the Santri Digitalprenuer program.

"Hopefully later the students can become very creative producers of information and literacy for the driving of the best content that has Islamic value," he explained.

For this reason, Sandiaga invites 5 million young students to be empowered to maintain human dignity, for a joint revival so that Indonesia can progress, prosper, be just, and prosper.

"Therefore, we must prioritize adaptation innovation and collaboration," concluded Sandi.

On the same occasion, Sandi also announced the five best groups for training on digital preneur students in Tasikmalaya, West Java; Tanah Datar, West Sumatra; Banjar Baru, South Kalimantan; Bondowoso, East Java; and Sidoarjo, East Java.

The five boarding schools:

1. Idrisiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya2. Thawalib Gunung Islamic Boarding School, Tanah Datar3. Ibnu Atha'illah Islamic Boarding School, Hulu Sungai Selatan4. Mambaul Khoiriyatil Islamiyah, Bondowoso5. Mamba'ul Hikam Islamic Boarding School, Sidoarjo

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