YOGYAKARTA The term PTN BH is now used in higher education institutions. Unfortunately, not many people know the meaning. Then, what are PTN BH? What are the benefits? The following is the full explanation, taken from various sources.

PTN-BH is abbreviation of the State University of the Legal Agency. In particular, PTN BH is a high regulation established by the Government and its status as an autonomous or independent legal entity.

PTN BH has become the concept of organizing universities with a wider autonomy. This is in accordance with Government Regulation No. 58 of 2013, which is explained in it about the meaning of PTN BH.

On the official website of the Higher Education Service Institute of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, it is stated that in its implementation, the tariff determination for PTN BH must be done by first consulting with the minister.

The determination of tariffs for education costs is also carried out taking into account the economic abilities of students, parents or guardians of students, or parties responsible for student education costs.

Universitas yang berstatus sebagai PTN BH pendapatannya tidak berasal dari penerimaan negara bukan pajak atau PNBP. Selain itu aset yang didapat oleh PTN-BH dari usaha akan menjadi aset PTN-BH yang merupakan aset negara yang terseparasi. Asset tanah yang ada dalam penguasaan PTN-BH yang didapat dari APBN akan menjadi milik negara.

PTN BH is intended so that universities can develop more quickly by managing it independently. This is based on the full autonomy provided for these educational institutions. The benefits of PTN BH in question are as follows.

The status of PTN-BH allows universities to manage campus households independently without any intervention. Management can be done in accordance with the purpose of the campus itself.

Autonomous management is also wider. This means that management includes the opening of a new study program or can close it when it is deemed unnecessary. The same thing also applies in the realm of finance to staffing.

Quoted from Kompas, PTN BH will receive endowment funds from the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP), amounting to Rp7 trillion. This fund is intended for teaching facilities or research to become a world-class university.

The status of PTN BH also allows universities to improve their reputation and quality, both in terms of institutions or resources. This step was taken by internal campuses.

The embedding of PTN BH has not been carried out at all universities. The following is a list of PTN BH campuses in Indonesia that need to be known, quoted from Kompas.

That's information related to what PTN BH is. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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