REMBANG Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi visited a number of Islamic boarding schools to meet a number of scholars in Rembang Regency, Wednesday, October 26. The Kapolda began his visit by visiting KH Balaudin Nursalim.

The visit by the Kapolda at the Al Quran Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) complex, Narukan Village, Kragan, Rembang at 11.00 WIB, coincided with the routine recitation held by the boarding school. After being greeted by the board of the cottage, the group immediately entered Gus Baha's dalem.

After sowan at the Gus Baha Nahalem, the Kapolda and his entourage continued their visit to the Nahlem KH Ubab Maimoen at the Al Anwar Islamic Boarding School, Sarang, KH Mustofa Bisri at the Raudlatut Thalibin Leteh Rembang Islamic Boarding School, and KH Ahmad Zaim Ma soem at Pondok Kauman Karangturi Lasem.

The Central Java Police Chief explained that the visit to a number of Rembang scholars was purely a gathering for Kamtibmas. He and the main officials made visits and asked for prayers so that the Kamtibmas situation would continue to run well.

"This visit is purely a gathering with several figures and there is no other agenda. At the same time, we ask for prayers so that the situation continues to run well and the police in the ranks of the Central Java Police can all serve the community well," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in a written statement, Wednesday, October 26.

In line with the Kapolda, the caretaker of the LP3IA Islamic Boarding School, Narukan Kragan, who is also Gus Baha's younger brother, Zaimul Umam (Gus Umam) revealed that the Kapolda's visit was in order to establish a relationship with religious leaders of Rembang scholars and strengthen police synergy to maintain community conduciveness.

During the friendly visit, Gus Umam said that there was no special discussion discussed by the Kapolda with Gus Baha. He also revealed that Gus Baha advised the Kapolda and the main officials that the police and the ulama must be united in maintaining conduciveness. "Just friendship, nothing is discussed just chatting. The point of the visit was that the ulama and the police could always work together in maintaining community conduciveness," he said after accompanying Gus Baha during a visit to Narukan.

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