SEMARANG - Kevin Herjono (29), a cinematic and visual effective expert in Hollywood films and a number of games, returned to Semarang.

The news of Kevin's return also reached the ears of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. He was also invited by Ganjar to exercise a healthy walk around the city of Semarang, Wednesday, October 26.

Kevin has been in the United States' creative industry for seven years. He focuses on making animations, especially visual effects.

At first he worked more on visual effects in the game. Then he began to venture into the cinematic field in the holwood film industry. Kevin is now joining a Lucasfilm production house.

Among the films he worked on in cinematics are the Netflix series Love Death Robots vol 1, 2, and 3. He is currently also involved in making cinematics for the latest film produced by Lucasfilm.

Kevin said his meeting with Ganjar and sports together was not planned. Incidentally, he was returning to Semarang to take care of his visa. This is also his return after years of being restrained by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Incidentally, I am a native son of Semarang and there (the United States) also often sees Pak Ganjar's work, especially from social media, how his performance is. So I happened to be home and invited to go out, exercising together. I am very excited because sports are needed especially after the pandemic, so I really support it," Kevin said when met after sports with Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang.

Starting sports from the Office House in Puri Gedeh, Semarang City, Kevin was immediately invited by Ganjar and Siti Atikoh to walk down the village road. Starting from the Gajahmungkur, Tegalsari, Mugassari, Kintun, and ending again at Puri Gedeh.

"We went to the villages to the bottom, to Jalan Pahlawan, then had time to eat pecel with the Governor. It's really fun, so every morning the Governor can meet directly with the community, you can know directly what is needed. Call the community, greeting the children, mothers," he said.

Even though he is a native of Semarang, it turns out that Kevin is the first time walking in the village alleys. Before settling in the United States, Kevin admitted to traveling around Simpang Lima or around the school. To break through the village alley, he had done it before during Scout activities during school.

"I usually only walk around the Simpang Lima playing field or around schools because I live around Simpang Lima. But I've never been from Gajahmungkur down to the bottom area. This is the first time. Roads across villages are also rare, there used to be Scouting time, after that I haven't walked in the village again. So it's really impressive," he explained.

During the trip, Ganjar Pranowo and Kevin had a warm and fluid conversation. Both of them also occasionally seem to be joking. Kevin said that during the conversation, Ganjar always praised and supported young people for their achievements and asked young people to contribute to the country.

"There is a lot of discussion. He really supports young people who are outside to contribute to the country of Indonesia, then he also has several concentrations about Indonesia in the future what to do and how our role as young people to be able to help in these sectors," Kevin said, revealing the content of the conversation with Ganjar.

From that brief meeting, Kevin saw how popular and warm Ganjar Pranowo was with anyone. Even when crossing the village occasionally he sees Ganjar interacting directly with the residents. Such a character according to Kevin is very important and must be owned by every leader.

"Mr. Ganjar is a populist, yes, yes. So the leader must meet the community directly. If you don't meet the community like that, we also never know what conditions in the field, what the actual condition of society is. So he indirectly doesn't just walk but also works. In the sense of hearing what the community needs and what must be addressed in the lower sector," he said.

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