JAKARTA - Floods have hit densely populated areas in RT 10/06, Kebon Pala area, Kampung Melayu, Jatinegara, East Jakarta, Wednesday, October 26, morning. Floods submerged residents' houses to a height of more than one meter.

From observations, the flood was caused by the overflow of the Ciliwung River which crossed the settlements of the residents of Kebon Pala. The delivery of water from upstream caused water to overflow from the Ciliwung River in the Kampung Melayu area.

"The flood in Katulampa began to rise on Tuesday, October 25 at around 15.30 WIB to 17.30 WIB. Then the water from Katulampa was dumped towards Depok for about 2 hours. The water in Depok began to rise around 17.00 WIB and lasted until 21.30 WIB," said one member of the SAR Team of the Sat Brimob Polda Metro Jaya, First Brigadier Ilham to reporters, Wednesday, October 26.

Previously, the Katulampa dam, Bogor, West Java was on alert 3 on Tuesday afternoon, October 25.

"After 21.30 WIB, the water at the Depok floodgate was reopened and flowed to the manggarai floodgate and overflowed here (Kebon Pala area)," he said.

The water started to rise on Wednesday, October 26 since 03.00 WIB in the morning if it rained again upstream of the Ciliwung River.

"The reason (flood) was that several times our SAR team, battalion B, the pioneer of 1 Metro Jaya Police, checked that the closure of the manggarai floodgate caused this village to be submerged," he said.

As a result of the floods that hit residential areas, residents' activities were also disrupted. Residents who want to do activities are forced to hit floodwaters.

Meanwhile, students who wanted to go to school also hit the flood inundation so that they could cross the access road that was submerged in water as high as an adult's chest. However, a number of other residents still survive in their respective homes.

"The highest (flood) in RT 10/05 is around 100-120cm. They are ready to be evacuated if the floodgate is in standby position 2 before standby 1," he said.

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