JAKARTA - Fruits are famous for their diverse and beneficial ingredients for the body, so it is highly recommended to be consumed every day. Dragon fruit is no exception. The benefits of dragon fruit have also been proven to be very good for the body.
Dragon fruit commonly found in the market generally has two variants, namely dragon fruit with white and red fruit with eating black seeds. Dragon fruit has a sweet taste and soft texture, so it is widely liked and can be consumed in various ways.
The benefits of dragon fruit are very diverse, this is because of the many nutritional ingredients contained in them. In 100 grams of dragon fruit, there are protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, iron and magnesium content. There are quite a few dragon fruit calories, which are only 60 kcals, so they can be consumed on a diet.
Dragon fruit can maintain endurance. This fruit is also believed to be able to prevent and treat various diseases. If you want to consume dragon fruit as part of your treatment, you can do a free doctor's question and answer for consultation.
Here are a myriad of benefits for dragon fruit that you can get when you consume them.
1. Prevent Dehydration
Dragon fruit has a water content that is high enough, so it can prevent dehydration. The texture of its soft fruit is suitable for consumption in various ways, for example served directly, used as juice, and mixed with other fruits as fruit ice. One of the best ways to consume dragon fruit is to cool it down first to refresh it.
2. Source of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are chemical compounds that can ward off free radicals in the body that can be a source of dangerous diseases. Antioxidants such as belains, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamates can be found in dragon fruit. The benefits of these antioxidants include fighting cholesterol, anticancers, and maintaining brain health.
3. Launching the Detoksification Process
In connection with the antioxidant content of dragon fruit, this fruit can also carry out the detoxification process or the issuance of toxins, including free radicals from within the body. The body will also become healthier.
4. Source of Iron
In 100 grams dragon fruit contains 1.1 milligrams of iron or about 11 percent of the daily iron needs of adults.
Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood which functions to transport oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Implemented iron can cause anemia. Iron is also known to be very good for the growth and development of the little one, so dragon fruit can also be consumed by children.
Likewise with folate. The content of folate is very useful for pregnant women because it can form red blood cells and maintain the baby's nervous system. Therefore, dragon fruit is also highly recommended for consumption by pregnant women.
5. Rich in Vitamin C
Many fruits contain lots of vitamin C, such as kiwi and guava. Likewise with dragon fruit. In 100 grams of dragon fruit, there are 21 milligrams of vitamin C or about 34 percent of the daily vitamin C needs of adults.
As is widely known, vitamin C can be useful for maintaining body resistance, skin health, absorbing other mineral ingredients in the body, and so on. Therefore, dragon fruit can be consumed daily.
6. Source of Inevitable Fat
Fat is not saturated, it is highly recommended to consume because it can maintain heart health and other health benefits. In addition, dragon fruit can also help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body because the fat content is not saturated.
7. Maintain Tulang Health
Dragon fruit contains calcium which can help maintain the health of the bones, organs, muscles, and nerves in the body. This calcium content is also an excuse for dragon fruit to be consumed by both children and adults.
8. Reduce Acne
Dragon fruit also has benefits for beauty. Apart from being consumed directly, dragon fruit can also be used as a mask for beauty care on the face. This is because the vitamin C content in dragon fruit can help inflammation in the face due to acne.
Dragon fruit masks can also help reduce signs of aging. The antioxidant content can help keep the skin strong and youthful.
To make a face mask from dragon fruit, you can destroy dragon fruit into a pasta texture. You can also add honey. After that, apply it to the face and let it sit for a few minutes. If that's enough, you can rinse your face until it's clean. Using a dragon mask on a regular basis will give you better results.
9. Help Overcoming Burned Skin
If you have skin problems due to sunburning, then you can treat them by applying dragon fruit in the burned skin area. For optimal results, mix dragon fruit with cucumber and honey.
The vitamin B3 content in dragon fruit can help calm this burning skin, so that the skin feels more moist.
10. Maintain Health Implementation
In dragon fruit also contains prebiotics that are a source of food for probiotics, namely good bacteria in the intestines, such as bacteria Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. This probiotic can kill viruses and bacteria that cause digestive disease. Therefore, consuming prebiotics through dragon fruit can maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestines.
Those are some information about the benefits of dragon fruit. You can consume dragon fruit every day to get the benefits. One interesting fact about dragon fruit, this fruit grows on cacti-type plants, you know. Besides being delicious and healthy, this fruit is also unique, huh!
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