JAKARTA - Mahareza Rizky as the younger brother of Brigadier J underwent a witness examination trial with the defendant Richard totaling or Bharada E at the South Jakarta District Court (PN South Jakarta).

In his testimony in front of the Panel of Judges, Mahareza Rizky could not help but cry when he had difficulty seeing the body of the late Brigadier J after undergoing an autopsy at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital.

"When I waited (bodies-ed) the Kombes had prevented me from seeing, who is Kombes, I forgot," Mahareza said in the South Jakarta District Court courtroom, Tuesday, October 25.

"I permission.. allow me to see my brother last," he continued.

"Just be patient, just wait here," replied Kombes.

Mahareza also continued to try to see the body of his brother for the last time, Mahareza also still received a ban from the police personnel guarding the body.

"I could only see my brother when my brother was about to be put (on the coffin). Even then, I have permission from this commander, I am included, let me carry him, you are here. The commander's permission, I want to appoint my last brother, commander's permission," he said.

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