Secretary of the PKS Faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Muhammad Taufik Zoelkifli assessed that there had been no significant results from Heru Budi Hartono's performance during the one week as Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta.

At least, Heru's movement during this one week earlier was the most prominent in reopening the complaint desk service at DKI Jakarta City Hall.

"About Mr. Heru, it's only been a week, there hasn't been a significant movement. So, I can't say anything except about the complaint that was held again at City Hall," said Taufik Zoelkifli when contacted, Tuesday, October 25.

Although the policy is quite prominent, however, according to Taufik Zoelkifli, it does not mean that it is better than the previous policy of the Governor of DKI, namely Anies Baswedan, who runs the complaint program through the JAKI application.

Taufik views that the use of JAKI can make people technology literate. Time and energy are also not wasted because people do not have to come to City Hall to report the problem.

"Actually, it was true that we used JAKI. We have to make people understand technology more, we don't stick together. Like before during the pandemic, we didn't understand Zoom, now Zoom is being used. Now life is getting easier, it's not getting more difficult," he said.

For information, Heru Budi Hartono has started taking office since Monday, October 17, 2022. On the first day of work, Heru immediately discussed reopening the complaint desk that had been run by the era of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). This service was resumed on the second day of work.

In addition, over the past week, Heru's work agenda has been to review a number of development sites that are included in the Jakarta flood management program. Then, Heru also held a meeting with the ranks of Polda Metro Jaya to discuss reducing congestion.

These two classic problems in Jakarta have indeed caught the attention of President Joko Widodo. When choosing Heru as the Acting Governor of DKI, Jokowi emphasized that Heru should prioritize flood management and congestion.

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