JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (PN) has again held a follow-up hearing in the murder case of Brigadier J. In the trial, the agenda for the examination of 12 witnesses was with the defendant Bharada E.

From inside the courtroom, the 12 witnesses were seen entering the Main Session Room of Prof. H. Oemar Seno Adhi, SH, at 09.59 WIB. They sat on the bench that had been provided.

Bharada E was seen wearing a black shirt approaching Brigadier J's parents. Then he looked his head down at the feet of Yosua Hutabarat's parents or Brigadier J.

Shortly thereafter, the Chief Justice asked all witnesses to enter the main courtroom.

"Immediately everyone told to sit down, the witness. It's enough, what else is there," said the head of the Panel of Judges in the courtroom, Tuesday, October 25.

"These witnesses will be examined approximately 4 times, then the trial will be with the defendants Padal 340 and OJJ," closed

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