SURABAYA - The youth community calling itself Kita Arek Surabaya (Karsa) agreed to support pair number 1 Eri-Armuji and declared a movement to reject money politics.

The chairman of Karsa, Arderio Hukom, said that his community, which consists of Surabaya's millennial generation, rejects money politics ahead of the upcoming December 9 voting. "The Surabaya children want to ensure and protect the voice of Surabaya so that it cannot be bought," Arderio told reporters, Sunday, December 6.

According to Arderio, the voice of the Surabaya millennial generation cannot be bought with money during the simultaneous regional elections. It was emphasized that money politics should not be done. Therefore this community will oversee the voting process.

"Surabaya millennials will supervise from the smallest things from home and we go to the polling stations and educate the public and its surroundings, that we must dare to reject money politics. Young people today say they dare to slide money politics," he said.

After seeing the live broadcast of the Surabaya pilkada debate, and seeing information from the 8 survey institutions that won Eri Cahyadi-Armudji, Karsa is confident about seeing these results and will invite other young people to exercise their voting rights so as not to abstain.

"There are young people now who are apathetic towards politics or pilwali, maybe they are not interested. So, we are confident that seeing the results, many young people make their choice to ErJi," said Arderio.

As a forum for creativity for Surabaya youth, Karsa together with ERJ1 held a public debate event for the third pilwali on the theme of sustainable development. This time, Karsa together with ERJ1 not only held a Nobar, but also held an anti-money politics declaration.

"The existence of money politics can also have the potential to produce a corrupt government in the future. Supported by the urgency of this situation which could threaten the future of the city of Surabaya, KARSA together with ERJ1 decided to declare resistance to money politics ahead of the Surabaya Pilkada," he added.

This community hopes that free education and health programs, social assistance for the poor, modern and equitable infrastructure development, as well as college scholarships for 3,000 young people per year, as well as a series of other benefits will continue to be carried out.

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