JAKARTA - The District Court (PN) will hold a follow-up hearing in the murder case of Brigadier J with the defendant Bharada E on Tuesday, October 25. The trial scheduled to examine 12 witnesses, one of which was Brigadier J's father, Samuel Hutabarat.

When met at Soetta Airport, Monday, October 24, Samuel said that he and his family had prepared mentally and health to undergo trial tomorrow.

"Our preparation from the first family is mental and health," Samuel told reporters at Soetta Airport, Tangerang City, Monday, October 24.

As is known, as many as 12 witnesses will be presented at the Bharada E trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 25, tomorrow.

The 12 witnesses were Samuel Hutabarat as the father of Yosua, Vera Marela Simanjuntak as the girlfriend of Yosua, Rosti Simanjuntak, Mahareza Rizky, Yuni Artika Hutabarat, Devianita Hutabarat, Novitasari Nadea, Simanjuntak Spirit, Parulian Studio, Roslin Emika Simanjuntak, Indrawanto Pasaribu and Kamaruddin.

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