MaluKU - Aru Islands Police in Maluku said there were no attempts to smuggle people packaged in two different cartons and raised to the cabin of KM Sirimau to Saumlaki Port, Tanimbar Islands Regency, Saturday, October 22 evening. Both are brothers, Maria Fanumbi (24) and her sister M (12) who tried to escape from her father. "So it is not a case of human exploitation, but they want to avoid their father who is suspected of committing acts of domestic violence," said Head of Public Relations of the Aru Islands Police, Ipda Fani Iwane, who was contacted from Ambon, Antara, Monday, October 24. After being questioned, the police found that both of them had official tickets and they tried to depart from Yos Sudarso Dobo Port, Aru Islands Regency to Saumlaki, Tanimbar Islands Regency, on Saturday night. In addition to having an official ticket, the two brothers hidden in the cardboard were taken by someone named Julianus after coordinating with their biological mother. According to him, both of them plan to return to Adaut, Tanimbar Islands Regency, without the knowledge of their biological fathers who are said to often promote physical violence against children. "They have undergone investigations at the Aru Islands Police Headquarters and Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Andi Armin, confirming that both of them were willing to enter the carton and be raised to the top of KM Sirimau and this is not a case of human smuggling," said Iwane. The smuggling attempt was uncovered starting from a report by Roy Marten Yamlaay, a port pikul worker. Initially Yamlaay, who was carrying the cardboard, felt something was strange about the contents in it because it was moving. Feeling suspicious, he reported to the KPYS Dobo sub-sector police officer, the Aru Islands Police, so that the police immediately checked the contents of the two cartons and found the brothers in two different cartons. Iwane said the two brothers were entrusted to a military complex there for a while and would later be dispatched to Saumlaki.

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