SURABAYA - The headquarters of Taruna Merah Putih (TMP), a PDI-P wing organization that supports candidate pairs Eri Cahyadi and Armudji in the Surabaya Pilkada were attacked by unknown people. The hundreds of people attacked using long sticks and stones in the early hours of the morning.

"We report this case to the Surabaya Police. We hope the police will investigate it thoroughly. Don't let this thuggery become a bad precedent that tarnishes our democratic journey," said Surabaya TMP Chairman Aryo Seno Bagaskoro, Sunday, December 6.

The attack took place when 10 cadres of TMP Surabaya were guarding the post. At around 01.25 WIB in the morning, a crowd of motorcyclists appeared in a convoy on Jalan Raya Darmo, Surabaya passing right in front of the post.

"Suddenly, several motorcyclists stopped in front of the post, carrying bamboo and wood. Then someone came in and kicked hard at the door carrying bamboo and long sticks. We didn't know who they were because it happened so fast," said Seno.

Almost all TMP cadres were on guard then moved to the back and top of the building. Only then did a police car appear from a distance. The attackers then turned around, picked up randomly and threw the helmets belonging to the TMP cadres at the door and the windshield of the building.

"The attackers left the scene, the TMP cadre immediately called 112 and called me who was at home," explained Seno.

"So, before they fled, they messed up and threw helmets belonging to the TMP cadres at the door and windshield of the building," continued Seno.

PDIP Surabaya DPC Deputy Secretary, Anas Karno, explained that this act was a form of terror. "We don't want to make guesses. We just want to keep the atmosphere conducive, that's why we report it to the authorities along with the PDI struggle," he said.

Anas also hoped that the cadres and sympathizers of the PDI struggle would not be provoked. Everything is left to the police.

"We entrust everything to the police, and we are sure the police can reveal it," he said.

Anas invited all PDIP cadres to be on standby. However, the cadres were asked to remain calm.

"In various cities we were also pressured. This time in Surabaya, the headquarters of TMP youths were attacked by unknown people. In principle, we are polite, but we are never afraid of thuggery," said Anas.

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