JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized the importance of withdrawing drugs that cause acute kidney failure cases from the market in the country.

"The important thing is that the government has taken steps and I emphasize the steps to withdraw drugs that cause kidney failure so that they are really researched in the market, so that drugs do not circulate there," said the Vice President in Jakarta, Saturday, October 22, quoted from Antara.

This was conveyed by the Vice President after launching the 2022 National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Santri Scholarship at the Vice Presidential Palace.

He stressed that research and withdrawal of dangerous drugs need not only be done in pharmacies but in places of sale other than pharmacies.

"There may be other reasons, (the public) taking drugs, for example in places outside the pharmacy, it must be done (research and withdrawal)," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the possibility of a criminal act or intentional element in recent cases of acute kidney failure, the Vice President stated that this would be investigated by the police.

"The problem regarding the crime is the police. The POM should be selective in properly granting drug distribution permits for the public," he said.

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