JAKARTA - The National Police is still investigating the raid on the house occupied by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD in Pamekasan Regency, East Java. The National Police have also not found a common thread from the incident.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that in the process of investigation and investigation, all parties involved can be examined. But it must be in accordance with the sequence of events.

"We are examining a person, from investigation to investigation, from clarification to summons, everything must have a common thread," Awi told reporters, Friday, December 4.

So far, in the investigation process the East Java Regional Police and the Pamekasan Police have clarified several parties. Later, from the results of the clarification, the next steps will be determined.

"You can't suddenly call someone, you can't. But on a case by case basis," he said.

Previously, the East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta would also communicate with all religious and Madurese community leaders. The meeting will discuss the cause of the incident.

"So with this activity we all look for the main problems there. So that in the future Madura can be in a conducive condition," said Awi.

The news about Mahfud MD's house being visited by this mass group has been circulating on social media since Monday, December 1. Through a short video, the crowd, which was dominated by men wearing Muslim clothes, came to a house and a man who took the video said that the house was Mahfud MD's residence in Pamekasan.

Mahfud himself has confirmed the raid action. "This time they disturbed my mother, not the Menko Polhukam," Mahfud was quoted as saying in his tweet uploaded on Tuesday, December 1.

Mahfud said he always tried to avoid taking action against those who attacked him. This was done to prevent the public from being perceived as selfish and arbitrary public officials.

However, because he felt that the mob had disturbed his mother, he was ready to take action.

"I always try to avoid taking action against people who attack me personally for fear of being selfish and arbitrary because I have a position. I am ready to be resolute for other cases that do not harm me," he said.

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