JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that the bribes received by Banggai Laut Regent Wenny Bukamo will be used for campaign financing in the 2020 Pilkada.

"It is true that during the investigation stage we saw an indication that the money collected was intended to be used for campaign costs or for the possibility of being used later in the dawn attack. The indication is in that direction," said KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango in a press conference broadcast on the KPK YouTube account. , Friday, December 4.

However, when asked whether the bribes had been used to pay for campaign props, Nawawi said that the KPK would investigate.

"We have not yet found and further explored whether anything is used for APK," he said.

"But the initial indications for efforts to win the campaign are already there," added Nawawi.

Nawawi said that the KPK had actually repeatedly reminded regional head candidates that they should create regional elections with integrity.

In addition, he also said that he would continue to conduct investigations into several activities of regional head candidates. "We have reminded them that the Corruption Eradication Commission is currently conducting several investigations," he said.

"The KPK is a little different from fellow law enforcement officers who have temporarily suspended the detention of case handling indications of corruption," he added.

It is known, Wenny is a candidate for incumbent regent promoted by PDI Perjuangan and is paired with Ridaya Laode Ngkowe. From the information gathered, he is also the first regent in Banggai Laut Regency and was first elected in December 2015.

In addition, he was also recorded as having served as a member of the Surabaya DPRD for the 1999-2004 period.

Previously, the KPK named six suspects consisting of three suspects who received bribes and three suspects who gave bribes.

The three suspects who received bribes were Banggai Laut Regent Wenny Bukamo; confidant of Regent Wenny Bukamo, namely the President Commissioner of PT Alfa Berdikari Group (ABG) Recky Suhartono Godiman (RSG); and Director of PT Raja Muda Indonesia (RMI) Hengky Thiono (HTO).

Meanwhile, the three people who gave the bribes were PT Bangun Bangkep Persada (BBP) Commissioner Hedy Thiono (HDO); Director of PT Antarnusa Karyatama (AKM) Djufri Katili (DK); and Director of PT Andronika Putra Delta Andreas Hongkiwirang (AHO).

Wenny as regent allegedly ordered his confidant, Recky, to make an agreement with his partner who worked on several infrastructure projects, such as improving road sections in Banggai Laut Regency.

Not only that, he is suspected of conditioning the project auction with the Head of Banggai Laut Regency Public Works Office, Basuki Mardiono.

"Through this auction conditioning several work packages at the PUPR Office are suspected of giving a sum of money from partners, including HDO, DK, and AHO to WB with a varying amount between Rp. 200 million to Rp. 500 million," said Nawawi.

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