Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko emphasized that the Indonesian government has been able to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is evidenced by the relatively lower number of cases and deaths of COVID-19 when compared to developed and developing countries. Such as America, Britain, India, and Brazil.

"This achievement cannot be separated from the spirit of mutual cooperation and high awareness of the community to be involved in handling COVID-19. Such as the implementation of health protocols, vaccines, and the use of care and protection applications," said Moeldoko at the launch of the government's 2022 performance report, at the Bina Graha building Situation, Jakarta, Thursday, October 20.

Moeldoko continued, in terms of economic recovery and growth, the government has succeeded in maintaining distribution, availability, and food affordability, as well as people's purchasing power. So that the economy continues to grow and inflation is controlled. Where in the second quarter the economy grew 5.44 percent (year on year), with core inflation of 3.04 percent (year on year).

To strengthen the economic foundation, he added, the government provides great support for MSME players to strengthen economic foundations. Namely, in the form of access to financing, increasing credit share, increasing KUR ceiling, and digital transformation. "From the target of thirty million on twenty twenty-four, currently, more than nineteen million MSMEs have been digitized," explained Moeldoko.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also said that three years of government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma ruf Amin, there has been an improvement in poverty and extreme poverty. As of March 22, the poverty rate fell to 9.54 or 26.16 million people, from 9.71 previously. Meanwhile, extreme poverty, as of September 21, decreased by 3.79 or 1.38 million people from the previous 4. Likewise with the stunting prevalence rate. At twenty-eight, this year decreased to twenty-one," said Moeldoko.

On that occasion, Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko ensured that the government would continue to encourage the development of New Renewable Energy (EBT), through accelerating the use of battery-based electric vehicles within the government, reforestation, and building nurseries centers.

For information, the Presidential Staff Office together with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) launched the 2022 Government Performance Achievement Report, at the Situation Room, Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Thursday, October 20.

The report is compiled in a book entitled Achievement of 2022 Performance, Rise Towards an Endemic, which consists of 70 pages, and is divided into three pillars. Namely, dare to face uncertainty, rush for priority agendas, and Indonesia for the World.

At the end of his presentation, Moeldoko also touched on Indonesia's leadership and role in the international arena. Where Indonesia was able to hold an event international mesi event' is facing a pandemic and crisis. Such as MotoGP, World Superbike, ASEAN Para Games, and the G20 Presidency. Indonesia also shows its role in realizing world peace, with the President's visit to Russia and Ukraine," concluded Moeldoko.

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