JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Health Office asked the public to use drugs with tablet and suppositoria preparations (via rectum) to anticipate mysterious acute kidney disorders in children.
"Suppositoria can be given, for example, high fever, in principle postponed in the form of worthy until further notice," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Dwi Oktavia in Jakarta, Thursday.
According to him, suppositoria drugs are used if the child has a high fever that reduces fever faster. Circular letters from the Ministry of Health regarding mild drugs whose use is temporarily suspended, apply to all including the sale of free drugs at pharmacies.
In addition to drugs and suppositria, he asks parents to give compresses to their children to reduce fever and ensure water adequacy.
Previously, the Ministry of Health together with BPOM, Epidemiologists, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), Pharmalogists and the National Police's Laboratory conducted laboratory tests to ascertain the exact cause and risk factors that caused acute kidney problems.
During the examination carried out on the remaining samples of drugs consumed by the patient, traces of compounds were found that could potentially result in Atypical AcuteACKs / Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
Currently, the Ministry of Health and BPOM are still conducting and comprehensive research including other possible risk factors.
To increase vigilance and in the context of prevention, the Ministry of Health has asked health workers at health service facilities to temporarily not prescribing drugs in the form of liquid/ruption preparations, until the results of tracing and thorough research.
In Jakarta, the DKI Health Office recorded that there were 71 cases of acute kidney disorders in children under the age of six from January to October 19, 2022.
Meanwhile, the number of deaths due to acute kidney problems reached 40 people who were handled by medical facilities in Jakarta.
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