The KPU's SULTRA-Commissioner, August Mellaz, mentioned the challenge of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) because voters on average young age will be the dominant layer.

"Therefore, of course we want to make sure that our young friends still convince themselves to be involved in the implementation of the election, especially using the right to vote if for example it could be more than that. Help us in holding the election to be our team below," he said while holding a public lecture at the Halu Oleo University (UHO) Kendari campus, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 20.

From this activity, the KPU hopes that students will exercise their right to vote and be able to play an active role and support the activities of the 2024 General Election.

According to August, youth, especially students, have an important role in holding simultaneous elections in 2024.

"About 60 percent of voters, between the ages of 17 - those who are beginners - until the age of 40 occupy a portion of up to 60 percent, then this is a separate homework for the KPU. How then will the development with a very different generation be responded to by us in the form of socialization policies. Now, students are one layer of generation which is also very important. They have intellectual traditions, students have the ability to help disseminate information well," August said.

This public lecture was held by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisip), UHO Kendari, with the theme "Witness and Challenges of Student Participation in Simultaneous Elections 2024".

In addition to the commissioners of the Indonesian KPU, in this activity there was also the Commissioner of the Southeast Sulawesi KPU Iwan Rompo Banne, the Dean of the Fisip UHO Dr. La Tarifu, S.Pd, Msi and several other lecturers.

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