Deputy Chairman of Komnas HAM Amiruddin revealed that 6,189 cases of victims of human rights violations (SKKPHAM) were issued by Komnas HAM during the 2012 to 2022 range.

According to him, SKKPHAM is useful for recognizing the victim's whereabouts and providing access to psychosocial and medical assistance from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

SKKPHAM can also be the initial capital for reports to the Non-judicial Settlement Team for Serious Human Rights Violations in the Past (PPHAM) formed by the government based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 17 of 2022.

"This Komnas HAM data can be the first step. Next, the victim can come directly to the team to submit an application," Amir said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 20.

Amir added that the thousands of SKKPHAMs that had been issued had leverage for justice for the victims. This, he said, shows that the state pays attention to victims.

Until now, Amir said, Komnas HAM had completed the investigation of dozens of serious human rights violations. Three of these cases are Timor-East Timor, Tanjung Priok, and Abepura, which already has ad hoc court decisions.

However, unfortunately, there was no determination of the perpetrators of gross human rights violations against the three incidents. Most recently, the 2014 Paniai case which is currently in the trial process and the rest has not yielded results.

Furthermore, Amir denied that Presidential Decree 17/2022 was considered to annull the authority to investigate Komnas HAM.

"The authority of Komnas HAM as an investigator in the context of law enforcement as referred to in gross human rights violations is not reduced by the existence of this Presidential Decree," he said.

Presidential Decree 17/2022 is known to have been appointed by President Joko Widodo on August 26, 2022. Referred to as a form of the government's commitment to resolving gross human rights violations, one of which is through a non-judicial mechanism.

Based on the mandate of Presidential Decree 17/2022, the government formed a PPHAM Team.

The PPHAM team consists of the Steering Team chaired by Mahfud MD as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. Meanwhile, the Implementing Team was led by the former Indonesian Ambassador to the United Nations, Makarim Wibisono.

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