JAKARTA - Ukraine wants a series of advanced weapons systems for air defenses from Israel, to fend off Russian missiles and drones, as Tel Aviv offers a mass attack early warning system.

Israel sent a signal of the use of non-military intervention policies in the war, in line with Ukraine's desire to seek assistance in the face of Russian airstrikes. Yesterday, Israel offered to develop an early warning of airstrikes for civilians.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Ambassador Yevgen Kornichuk told Reuters, as quoted October 20, the system offered was "irrelevant", and confirmed the authenticity of the embassy's letter, which was leaked to Israel's Walla news agency, regarding requests for the procurement of five types of air defense weapons.

On Tuesday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba officially requested an air defense system from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The system includes Iron Beam, Iron Dome, Barak-8, Patriot, David's Sling and Anti-ballistic Arrow missiles, citing Haaretz.

In addition, Minister Kuleba also requested that Israel train Ukrainian troops in using the weapon system.

The Iron Beam laser system is still years away from operating, Israel said. Meanwhile, the Patriots are US-made systems deployed in Israel and Barak-8 jointly developed by Israel and India.

Israel's Defense Minister's Office said Minister Benny Gantz would speak with Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov on Thursday.

It is known, to ward off attacks by Iran or its regional allies, Israel has a radar network that triggers sirens or cell phone warnings to warn citizens to take cover when missiles launch.

A similar early warning technology could be offered to Ukraine, a spokesman for the Israeli Ministry of Defense said.

"Israel has policies to support Ukraine through humanitarian aid and delivery of life-saving defense equipment, but will not send weapons systems, "due to various operational considerations," Minister Gantz said when receiving the EU Ambassador.

It is known that despite condemning the Russian invasion, Israel has restricted Ukraine's aid to humanitarian aid, citing a desire to continue working with Moscow on war in Syria, as well as to ensure the welfare of the Jews.

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