JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) stated that the objection note submitted by Putri Candrawathi would not be responded to. Especially regarding the chronology or series of incidents of the alleged murder of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

"Non-commissioned prosecutors do not need to respond," said the prosecutor at the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, October 20.

The reason is that the exception material proposed by the legal advisory team Putri Candrawathi has been included in the subject matter. So, by referring to Article 156 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Public Prosecutor does not have the obligation to respond.

Moreover, the prosecutor continued, the dakwan regarding the series of events was prepared based on information from the subject matter of the case.

That way, the prosecutor does not need to respond. Instead, prove the indictment with the available evidence and instructions.

"But will reveal these legal facts at the time of proof at trial," said the prosecutor.

Meanwhile, Putri Candrawathi's team of attorneys read out a memorandum of defense or exception at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, October 17. One of the points denied was related to the prosecutor's indictment which did not explain in detail why Brigadier J and Strong Ma'ruf were involved in a 'fight'

The quarrel between the two began when Strong Ma'ruf who saw through the window of the front glass of the house, Nofriansyah alias Brigadier J, was deposited down the stairs as if looking for someone downstairs.

"Then at that time, because of Nofriansyah's face, I saw red like a scared person, then I banged on the window glass while I shouted to Nofriasyah Woeyy. But it turned out that over the screams, Nofriansyah ran towards the kitchen, then I went to the kitchen, then Nofriansyah ran forward through the guest door," reads the exception.

Strong Ma'ruf then went to the second floor of the room and found Putri in a supine position on the front floor of the bathroom with Putri's head position in dirty clothes. When Putri was picked up with Susi - one of the ARTs - Brigadier J was already on the stairs saying.

"Om I explained, uncle I explained (Nofriansyah Yosua while crying)". "That's not what happened, I want to explain the actual incident."

With the explanation of these witnesses based on the examination report, it can be seen clearly that the reason witness Strong Ma'ruf had an argument with the victim Nofriansyah so that there was a commotion on July 7, 2022, was none other than because of the suspicious behavior of Nofriansyah's victim who had been deposited down the stairs.

Kemudian ditemukan saksi terdakwa Putri terletak di depan kamar mana. Yang dalam hal ini tidak dijelaskan dan ditangkapkan oleh Penuntut Umum dalam surat dakwaan sehingga menyebabkan terdanya ketidak jelasan fakta," demikian surat eksepsi.

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