Serang Police personnel together with the Serang City Police Satreskrim conducted a crime scene (TKP) where the body was found in a rented house in West Rau neighborhood, Cimuncang Village, Serang District, Tuesday, October 18.

Serang City Police Chief Kombes Pol Nugroho Arianto through Serang Police Chief AKP Tedy Heru Murtianto said the victim was male.

The body of a man with the initials DH (50) who is a beggar, and is known to have died in his rented house. It is known by the victim's neighbor who smelled the smell of carrion in the victim's rented house," explained Kombes Tedy in a written statement, Tuesday, October 18.

Tedy explained, at around 11.00 WIB the witness II smelled an unpleasant odor, which was thought to be a rat carcass. After that, continued Tedy, the witness looked for a source of smell and when he stood in front of the victim's rented house number 3, the foul smell became increasingly pungent.

From inside the house a fly came out. After that the witness and residents broke down the victim's rented door and saw the victim lying on his back wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt in a state of death," said Tedy.

From the external examination, he continued, there were no injuries of violence and no items belonging to the missing victim were found.

"There were no violent injuries found on the victim's body and the results of the initial investigation that none of the victim's belongings were missing. It is suspected that the victim died due to illness. The victim was then taken to the Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Banten," closed Tedy.

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