JAKARTA - There was a drama that occurred in the middle of Richard totaling or Bharada E's trial at the South Jakarta District Court (PN), Tuesday, October 18. Four women on behalf of Richliefams.id admitted that they were touched when listening to Bharada E's apology to the deceased and the family of Brigadier J.

Dea, one of the representatives of Richliefams.id, admitted that she was touched when she heard what Bharada E said, apologizing.

"When he said our apologies, we were moved. Some were crying because they didn't have the heart, they spoke until they were shaking and looked down," said Dea in front of the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 18.

Dea admitted that her presence with her friends was only to watch the trial and support Bharada E. However, Dhea considered what Bharada E was doing was wrong.

(The reason is support) Because he is honest, we do not justify what he has done. But we still support him, because he is honest. He wants to tell the story, open the truth, that's all. Because for the sake of justice," he said.

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