JAKARTA - A number of areas have been hit by floods and landslides in the last few days. DPR Speaker Puan Maharani asked the Government to focus on saving victims and providing assistance to disaster-affected residents.

"On behalf of myself and the leadership of the DPR, I would like to express my deep sorrow for the victims who died and those who were injured as a result of floods and landslides in several areas in the country," said Puan, Tuesday, October 18.

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) melaporkan terjadi rekor 76 bencana alam banjir hingga tanah longsor dalam sepekan terakhir. Tercatat total ada 13 orang meninggal dunia akibat bencana banjir hingga tanah longsor.

The areas that were hit by floods were Bogor, Bandung, West Java, and a number of areas in East Java, such as Malang, Blitar, and Banyuwangi Regencies. Floods also hit areas outside Java, such as Jembrana and Karangasem, Bali. Landslides also occurred in Lombok, NTB.

Floods caused hundreds of residents to be isolated in their homes. There are also residents who were reported missing due to being swept away by flash floods. Infrastructure such as roads and bridges was reported to be damaged. Many livestock residents died.

"The government and related stakeholders must focus on rescuing victims. Make sure the missing victims are found," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also reminded the Government, both central and regional, to immediately distribute aid to affected victims. Puan appealed to the Government to provide assistance to residents whose houses were damaged and lost livestock.

Provide the best service for residents, including taking into account the needs of children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers. The evacuation area must also be comfortable and equipped with medical needs for residents," he said.

Furthermore, Puan asked the government and other stakeholders to always be alert and mitigate the impact of disasters due to extreme weather. The public is also advised to always be vigilant and pay attention to weather information and warnings from the BMKG.

"I also ask council members who are entering a recess to go down and help residents, especially members of the DPR whose electoral districts experience floods and landslides," said Puan.

Members of the council were also asked to pay attention to the needs of residents affected by the disaster. Puan said that members of the DPR could create emergency posts to facilitate the community.

"Members of the council in collaboration with the Government, SAR Team, TNI/Polri, as well as volunteers must be able to present solutions for all the needs of flood and landslide victims," concluded Bung Karno's grandson.

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