SOLO - The pair of candidates for mayor-vice mayor of Solo from individuals alias independent Bagyo Wahyono-FX Supardjo (Bajo) wants the progress of the City of Surakarta to be built together. Bajo promised to stir up a people's coalition so that the problems of the city of Solo could be resolved together.

"To advance the things that were stated earlier, the progress of Solo is one, I can discuss it with the community committee. So later we will discuss together, there are figures from Solo City elements including students, including our cultural community, we will discuss together, "said candidate for mayor of Solo, Bagyo Wahyono, in the Solo Pilkada debate, Thursday, December 3.

Later deliberations, aka deliberations of all elements of Solo society, will be held once a month. Bajo's promise if elected within 6 months all problems in the city of Surakarta can be identified including a solution to be decided.

"We are fighting with the Rakayat coalition, dissecting the things that were said earlier. We have a team of experts, we submit our culture to culture, we submit economics to the economy, including baskets of wedang. Anyone will discuss together at the City Hall, sitting together, indiscriminately, rich or poor. In order to find out those who still need help, Solo entrepreneurs can become foster care for friends who are not living properly. Let his heart touch him, "said Bagyo.

Meanwhile, the candidate for mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, talked about Solo being a warehouse for creative and innovative people. The creative economy sector must be revived after being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In the future, we want to accelerate the economic recovery. We want to have a credit restructuring facility for MSMEs, a labor-intensive program that has been laid off, giving local tax concessions, "said Gibran.

"I am always optimistic that in the midst of this disaster there will always be opportunities. I promise that there will be a creative hub," added the son of President Jokowi.

In the Solo Pilkada debate, Gibran, who is paired with Teguh Prakosa, wants a creative hub to help young people move up to grade.

"Later there will be a seminar, a workshop to train young people with hard skills. We also prepare soft skills, marketing training, social media training. This opens up opportunities for young people to remain creative and productive, "said Gibran, speaking flexibly about the flagship program in the creative economy sector.

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