The SLEMAN-Government Government of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region received a grant in the form of a water treatment system or water treatment system and five oxygen concentrators provided by the Peace Inscription Foundation with Humanity Matters. The grant was received directly by the Deputy Regent of Sleman Danang Maharsa at the Main Post of the Sleman Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Saturday. Special Advisor Humanity MattersHasan Ahmad said that the grant to the Sleman Regency Government through the Prasadi Peace Foundation was one of the cooperation programs carried out by 20 ASEAN youth delegations in the Daily Workdi Sleman activity. "Faiths Workini's activities are a program that brings together 20 young delegations from 10 ASEAN countries in a workshop on humanitarian services and has been held for the third time after previously in the Philippines and Singapore," he said. One of the grants given to the Sleman Regency Government is a water treatment tool that is able to convert dirty water into clean water and is able to produce 500 liters of clean water within one hour by manually pumped, with electricity and with solar power systems. Deputy Regent of Sleman Danang Maharsa expressed his gratitude to Humanity Matters and the Peace Prasadi Foundation which has provided a grant of health care tools to the Sleman Regency Government. According to him, the grant will further complement the needs of infrastructure facilities in public health services in Sleman.

In addition, Danang also expressed his appreciation to the 20 delegations of young ASEAN who have assisted the Sleman Regency Government and also carried out renovations at the Pakem Health Center. "We also really appreciate the humanitarian service activities carried out by 20 ASEAN youth delegates through minor renovations and are currently at the Pakem Health Center. Hopefully this activity can be a motivation for the younger generation in Sleman Regency to also be involved in humanitarian services," he said. After signing the grant script, Deputy Regent of Sleman Danang Maharsa together with the Humanity Matters Representative and the Peace Prasadi Foundation directly reviewed the operation process of the water treatment unit which was temporarily placed at the BPBD Sleman Main Post. During the review, Danang Maharsa also carried out manual pumping simulations that produced clean water which could be drunk directly.

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