TGB Supports The Founder Of Al Washliyah North Sumatra To Become A National Hero
Photo via Antara

JAKARTA - Former Governor of NTB, Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) HM Zainul Majdi gave his support to the founder of PW Al Washliyah North Sumatra (Sumut) Arsyad Thalib Lubis as a National Hero.

"He (Arsyad Thalib Lubis) is very worthy of this honor," said TGB HM Zainul Majdi, in a written statement received in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Friday, October 14.

TGB said this during a visit to Medan to stay in touch with the management of PW Al Washliyah, which is the largest Islamic community organization (ormas) in North Sumatra.

To the Chairman of PW Al Washliyah North Sumatra H Dedi Iskandar Batubara, TGB explained that his support was part of commemorating the services of the fighters and martyrs, so that the struggle could be continued by the current generation.

"This proposal process must be guarded. We will participate in monitoring it," said the former NTB governor for two periods.

The grandson of National Hero TGKH M Zainuddin Abdul Madjid said the role of Islamic organizations at the beginning of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was huge. In its movement it adheres to nationality and Islam.

"I came as a administrator of the NWDI Islamic mass organization," said TGB.

According to him, Al Washliyah also plays a role in building human resources and educating the nation's children. This can be seen from educational institutions that are built from elementary to tertiary levels.

"The role of Islamic educational institutions in the land of Sumatra cannot be separated from the role of Al Washliyah," said the head of the Indonesian branch of the Al Azhar International Organization (OIAA).

The doctor, an expert on interpretation of the Koran, admitted that he came to Medan as well as to link the scientific tree between Al Washliyah and Nahdlatul Wathan Diniyah Islamiyah (NWDI).

NWDI is a forum for the struggle of Nahdlatul Wathan residents who have been established since August 22, 1937. NWDI was founded by TGKH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid (TGB), a national hero from Lombok.

"Earlier, from his statement (H Dedi Iskandar), the Mazhab was the same," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of PW Al Washliyah North Sumatra, H Dedi Iskandar Batubara, said he was very happy with the arrival of TGB HM Zainul Majdi, one of the scholars in Indonesia who is quite well known and has a wide congregation.

He confirmed that the proposal for the title of National Hero for the founder of Al Washliyah had been processed. "We thank you for this support," he said.

HM Arsyad Thalib Lubis is a cleric born in Stabat, October 1908, and is known as the author and founder of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah or Al Washliyah, as an Islamic organization founded on November 30, 1930.

Arsyad Thalib Lubis cannot be separated from the history of the tradition of Islam of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah in North Sumatra Province. The contribution, together with Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah, is to fight for independence.

In addition, efforts to maintain community stability and improve education in North Sumatra are the wishes of the people and coincide with the nation's ideals in educating the people.

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