JAKARTA - Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Joanes Joko assessed that the issue of President Joko Widodo's fake diploma was only to cause a commotion. The issue of being poor is empathetic with the condition of the nation which is facing the threat of a global crisis. "This false diploma accusation is nothing more than a blind commotion. The narrative is poor empathy for the current global crisis situation," Joko said in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, October 13. Joko appealed to the public not to focus on finding out the motives and perpetrators behind the allegations of President Jokowi's fake diploma. On the other hand, he said, all parties need to put their thoughts and energy into facing global uncertainty. “ Let's think about how to keep the Indonesian nation prosperous, the needs of the family are still met, and food ingredients are still affordable. We must devote energy and thoughts to productive things for the benefit of the community at large,” he said. According to Joko, Indonesia has made achievements because it has become one of the countries in the world that is tough and fast to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this achievement is closed by unproductive issues such as accusations of Jokowi's fake diploma. Joko said Indonesia achieved achievements by being able to continue to grow the economy amidst world uncertainty and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the second quarter of 2022, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the Indonesian economy was able to grow up to 5.44 percent (year on year/yoy). This achievement complements the traces of Indonesia's economic growth in the last three quarters which are always above five percent. The government is optimistic that Indonesia's economic growth will be able to reach 5.2 percent for the entire period in 2022 and in 2023 it will increase to 5.3 percent. In addition, he said, the world appreciates Indonesia's leadership in the G20. According to him, Indonesia is considered to be consistent in campaigning for peace, equality, and resilience to face the economic, food and energy crisis. Regarding the issue of Jokowi's fake diploma, the Chancellor of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Prof. Ova Emilia has emphasized that the issue is not true. Ova said President Joko Widodo had an original diploma as a graduate of the UGM Forestry Faculty. "Based on the data and information we have, and well documented, we believe in the authenticity of Ir's undergraduate diploma (S1). Joko Widodo and the person concerned are graduates of the Gadjah Mada University Forestry Faculty," said Ova Emilia during a press conference at the UGM Campus, Sleman Regency, DIY, last Tuesday.

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