SOUTH SUMATRA - The Education Office (Diskit) of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (OKU), instructed students who brought motorbikes to school.

The instruction was addressed by the OKU Education Office to the school following dozens of students at a junior high school in Baturaja OKU who were caught raiding a local police motorbike. They were proven to have violated traffic.

"Because the age of a junior high school student is not sufficient to obtain a driving license (SIM) and of course it violates traffic rules," said Acting Head of OKU Education Office, Alfarizi in Baturaja, OKU, South Sumatra (Sumsel), quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 13.

He said the OKU Education Office was very supportive of the local police through the OKU Police Traffic Unit to prevent and foster minors who rode motorbikes to school.

The effort, continued Alfarizi, was in the context of protecting against accidents on the highway.

For this reason, Alfarizi asked all elementary and junior high school principals in OKU Regency to give directions to students not to drive motorized vehicles to their respective schools.

Alfarizi also asked the school to make rules and strict actions for students caught carrying their own motorized vehicles to school.

In addition, the role of parents is also very important to maintain the safety of children by not allowing students to go to school on their own motorbikes.

"Because the age of elementary and junior high school students is still very unstable, which has the potential to carry out speeding on the highway, thereby endangering the child himself and other road users," he said.

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