JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has deposited criminal fines from former Democratic Party Chairman Anas Urbaningrum into the state treasury. The deposits were made through the financial bureau. "The execution prosecutor Hendra Apriansyah through the KPK financial bureau has deposited it into the state treasury in the form of paying Anas Urbaningrum's fine of Rp. 300 million," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Thursday, October 13. Next, the anti-corruption commission also handed over a fine payment from PT Nindya Karya of Rp900 million. The company was convicted of corruption in the construction of the Bongkar Sabang Pier, Aceh in 2006-2011. Of the two convicts, the total money handed over by the KPK to the state reached Rp1.2 billion. Ali ensured that this kind of deposit would continue. The KPK will collect corruption convicts to pay fines and replacement money. It is hoped that state losses due to corrupt behavior can be closed. "For other cases, the KPK has optimized the collection of fines and replacement money for corruption convicts to maximize the achievement of asset recovery," said Ali. For information, Anas was sentenced to 8 years in prison after submitting a review (PK) at the Supreme Court (MA) regarding the Hambalang mega project. In addition, he was required to pay compensation of Rp57.9 billion and 5,261,070 US dollars.

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