JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police continue to investigate cases of domestic violence (KDRT) reported by Lesti Kejora against her husband, Rizky Billar. Towards the process of solving the case, the police are still waiting for the artist involved in the domestic violence case to fulfill the summons at the South Jakarta Police.

Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi again explained that her party was still waiting for the presence of the reported person, Rizky Billar, after the request for a re-scheduling of the first examination last week.

AKP Nurma could not confirm what investigators would do if Rizky Billar was absent again.

"What is clear is the investigator's authority. If I can only convey it. If it determines (status-ed) the investigator's authority," said Nurma when confirmed, Wednesday, October 12.

AKP Nurma also revealed that so far the police have examined six witnesses related to the case.

"A total of 6 (witnesses are examined)," he concluded.

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