SUKABUMI - Floods and landslides hit Purabaya District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. A total of 1,207 people were 70 elderly or elderly affected by the natural disaster.

The Chief Executive of the Sukabumi Regency BPBD, Wawan Godawan Saputra, said that currently BPBD members and Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) volunteers in Sukabumi Regency are still at the location to collect data.

"At the same time providing assistance to residents whose houses were affected by floods and landslides in Purabaya District," he said in Sukabumi, West Java, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 9.

Based on the latest data from the Sukabumi BPBD, as many as 152 houses with a total of 183 families (KK) or 586 people were affected by flooding in Purabaya Village.

Then the damaged houses in Purabaya Village with the category of lightly damaged as many as 17 units, moderately damaged six units and heavily damaged two units.

Furthermore, in Neglasari Village, the number of residents affected by the flood disaster was 102 families or 374 people and for house damage as many as 18 units were lightly damaged, seven units moderately damaged and eight units heavily damaged.

Sementara bencana tanah longsor terjadi di Desa Margaluyu, dengan jumlah warga yang terdampak 18 KK atau 43 jiwa kemudian untuk rumah yang rusak sebanyak tiga unit dan rusak berat dua unit.

Di tempat yang sama Staf Humas PMI Kabupaten Sukabumi Ariel Solehudin mengatakan, hingga saat ini pihaknya belum menerima laporan ada korban jiwa akibat bencana alam di Kecamatan Purabaya. Bantuan darurat untuk para penyintas bencana sudah mulai datang dari berbagai lembaga dan komunitas warga.

Of the total residents affected by 204 people, of them are children, two pregnant women, and 70 elderly people.

Several residents whose houses were damaged fled to the homes of their closest relatives, however Forkopimcam Purabaya has also prepared evacuations at the Sports Building (GOR) of Purabaya Village.

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