MAKASSAR - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo invited Makassar runners to take part again and enliven the Borobudur Marathon sporting activity at the end of November 2022. "I hope the Makassar Runners can join the Borobudur Marathon later. Thank you for the appreciation and enthusiasm for the runners in Makassar City," he said in Makassar, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 9. Ganjar Pranowo together with the Mayor of Makassar Moh Ramdhan Pomanto released hundreds of runners who participated in the Bank Jateng Friendship Run which took the start at Fort Roterdam. Met after running, Ganjar said that the 2022 Friendship Run in Makassar City was mostly followed by runners compared to three other cities. It was noted that there were 1,100 runners who took part in Makassar. "This is a road to the Borobudur Marathon. Hopefully, everyone can attend (at the Borobudur Marathon) and it turns out that this is the busiest," he said. The 5K Friendship Run route starts from Fort Roterdam, to Jalan Ahmad Yani, Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Arief Rate, Jalan Yosep Latumahina, Jalan Sombaopu, Jalan Penghibur, Jalan Ujungpangan and finish again at Fort Roterdam. Previously, the 2022 Borobudur Marathon will take place on November 12-13, 2022 at Lumbini Park, Borobudur Temple Complex, Magelang, Central Java. A number of categories in the 2022 Borobudur Marathon were competed, including the Borobudur Marathon Elite Race with a route of 42.195 kilometers. Then Bank Jateng Tilik Candi with routes of 21.097 kilometers, and Borobudur Marathon Young Talent with a distance of 10 kilometers. Each category can be followed by certain participants. The Elite Race category was followed only by national elite athletes who passed the selection, the Tilik Candi category was followed by general runners with a ballad system. Meanwhile, the Young Talent category was followed by young athletes who passed the selection.

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