BATAM - Riau Islands Police Chief Inspector General Aris Budiman reviewed security readiness ahead of the Tour de Bintan bicycle racing championship which will take place on October 14, 15 and 16, 2022.

Aris said, not only focusing on security, other things such as safety factors also need to be considered ahead of the championship.

"In addition to focusing on security, we must also pay attention to safety factors such as the readiness of ambulances, medical personnel and hospitals," said Aris from a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 9.

In addition, his party also pays attention to the readiness of facilities and infrastructure from police personnel at the location later.

"Preparation of facilities and pre-facilities is also very important, such as motorized vehicles used, including sterilization carried out by members of the Mobile Brigade Unit at the location," he said.

He also ordered his members to conduct simulations in case of an accident when the championship had started.

Simulate how long the evacuation efforts took to save the victims. But the good thing is to anticipate so that unwanted things don't happen, the form as well as the fast motion team whose goal is to anticipate the urgency situation," said Aris.

Bintan Police Chief AKBP Tidar Wulung Dahono added, later as many as 285 personnel will be prepared for the safety of the Tour de Bintan. With details of the number of 182 personnel from the Bintan Police reserve 35 personnel holding mobile phones for direct online meetings at the post, 71 personnel from the Transportation Service, Civil Service Police 64, Brimob 31, TNI 15, security personnel from PT. BRC 30 personnel.

The number of reinforcements from the Riau Islands Police consists of 5 Ditlantas, 10 ICT Bid personnel were also provided with 8x4 video operas, 5 Bidhumas personnel manned the broadcaster of one voice Obvit Sarpras and 8 operators.

"Then later there will be 15 intersections along the route, it is estimated that 946 participants from 40 countries consisting of 800 men and 146 women," he said.

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