JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Seto Mulyadi or familiarly called Kak Seto expressed his party's readiness to provide trauma healing services (trauma healing) to victims of the collapse wall of the Tsanawiyah Negeri Madrasah (MTsN) 19, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta.

"Yes, just now, I met Nabila's sister and to Luthfi's sister's house, the victim's hand and leg were broken due to a collapsed wall in MTsN 19," said Kak Seto, reported by Antara, Sunday, October 9.

Kak Seto said this Sunday his party visited Nabila's house at 12.30 WIB and to Luthfi's house at 14.00 WIB.

The condition of the two victims is now calmer and already excited considering that school friends are also present to visit and provide support, he said.

The arrival of Kak Seto, who was accompanied by two members of the police, was aimed at encouraging Nabila and Luthfi to return to school.

His party also offered assistance to provide trauma healing, which was mentioned that there were two types, namely individual and classic.

"Classicals are made to move, the movements of an effort that raises the spirit then individually we carry out several tests, interviews, discussions, and so on," he explained.

In addition, Kak Seto added that the causes of trauma ranging from violence to natural disasters have the same basis, namely psychological shocks.

According to him, victims who see firsthand a disaster are usually said to be difficult to sleep to the point of warning, so this is what makes victims need psychological treatment or therapy.

But on the other hand, it turns out that the school also plans to provide assistance to these students.

"If the school has given us, we will not participate. So that we can focus on what the school gives us," he continued.

However, the LPAI will continue to monitor the development of trauma healing by visiting their school on Wednesday.

"I will come to school on Wednesday morning," he concluded.

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