KALTENG - Severe flooding hit East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) again. Not a month has passed, the high intensity of rain has caused dozens of villages in the northern or upstream areas in the district to be flooded again

"Rainfall has increased again in the last few days. We have continued to improve coordination in monitoring the development of conditions in the field," said Head of the East Kotawaringin Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Rihel, in Sampit City, Central Kalimantan, Thursday, October 6 evening.

The northern or upstream areas that were hit by floods include six sub-districts, namely Antang Kalang, Telaga Antang, Mentaya Hulu, Tualan Hulu, Bukit Santuai and Parenggean. From Sampit City, the six areas are 3-5 hours apart. Currently, the flood has submerged a number of villages in Antang Kalang, Telaga Antang, Mentaya Hulu and Tualan Hulu sub-districts. Floods also hit several villages in the downstream or lower areas, namely Kota Besi District.

"The water depth varies, but some of them are generally quite severe. Like in Tumbang Kalang Village, the flood is even as high as the adult's chest, in some locations there are deeper. Some residents have fled, but some of them still survive in their homes by making apart or some kind of stage, he said.

Usually, flooding will fall from upstream to downstream. If the flood in the upstream area begins to recede, then the water will lower the area below such as Parenggean District and its surroundings.

Rihel said that currently only a few village heads were providing information regarding flood conditions in their villages. His party continues to coordinate and monitor flood conditions in a number of locations.

Temporary reports, flooding occurred in Telaga Antang District covering Tumbang Boloi Village, Rantau rest, Rantau Katang and Tumbang Sangai. Floods occurred in Mentaya Hulu District in Tanjung Jariangau Village, Bawan, Kuala Kuayan, Tangka Robah and Pematang. Floods also occurred in Hanjalipan Village, Besi City District. Floods also occurred in four villages in Tualan Hulu District. "If it recedes there, the Parenggean sub-district will definitely be submerged again. The data has not been conveyed until now. There are also 49 family heads and Tumbang Kalang villages affected by 170 houses," explained Rihel.

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