JAKARTA The collapse of the MTsN 19 school wall caused grief. 3 students were reported to have died by the school wall. The incident occurred when it rained on Jakarta, Thursday afternoon, October 6.

In addition to the 3 students who died, there was still 1 student who suffered a broken bone. And since the afternoon at 17.30 WIB, there are still students trapped in the rubble of the wall.

Based on information on the rapid TRC test of DKI BPBD, information on casualties and injuries was obtained, as follows:


1. DK (Class 8)2. DS (Class 8)3. AE (Class 8)

Injured Victims

1. ADL (Class 8)

All victims are being taken to the Pilkasih Hospital for further treatment.

Until this news was revealed, officers at the location were still checking whether there were more victims trapped in the collapsed wall.

A total of three students of MTsN 19 South Jakarta died as a result of being hit by a school wall. So far, information shows that the cause of the collapse of the wall was caused by the overflowing water of the Krukut river.

Cilandak Police Chief Kompol Multazam said the incident occurred at the MTsN 19 Jakarta School, on Jalan Pinang Kaijati, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Thursday, October 6, at 14.00 WIB.

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