JAKARTA - The NasDem Party thanked the Anies-Andika For 2024 (AKA 24) volunteers who supported its party to carry Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate (Capres) in 2024. However, regarding the determination of the name of the vice presidential candidate (cawapres), NasDem fully surrendered to Anies.

Initially, the chairman of the NasDem DPP Willy Aditya assessed that the support of AK 24 volunteers indicated that his party had chosen the wrong figure to be carried in the 2024 presidential election.

"This is a signal that Anies Baswedan's candidacy is actually quite accepted by many people," said Willy, Wednesday, October 5.

It's just that, Willy continued, the decision regarding the name of the vice presidential candidate has been submitted to Anies. Because according to him, as a presidential candidate, of course Anies is the one who understands the ideal figure to accompany him to fight in a five-year contestation.

"Regarding this vice presidential candidate, we leave it entirely to Pak Anies, because the president and vice president ideally have to be same and in rhythm. They will lead the government as well as this country in the future," he said. "If the captain doesn't deal with his representative, he can wobble later this boat," continued Willy.

Previously, AK 24 volunteers appeared after NasDem declared Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in 2024. AK 24 views Anies as when he was duet with Andika due to being successful in various electability surveys of presidential candidates in 2024.

Anies was never released from the top three, while Andika Perkasa was also said to be a potential figure. Both of them also immediately stepped down from the current position due to their duties.

"Anies Baswedan and Andika Perkasa are the most complete combinations of characters to be able to bring Indonesia to fly in the world," said Chairman of Volunteers AK 24, Bima, in a written statement, Monday, October 3.

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